Avoid disturbing others when using the device in public Do not allow children to use your device

Your device is not a toy. Do not allow children to play with it as they could hurt themselves and others, damage the device, or make calls that increase your charges.

Install mobile devices and equipment with caution

Ensure that any mobile devices or related equipment installed in your vehicle are securely mounted.

Avoid placing your device and accessories near or in an air bag deployment area. Improperly installed wireless equipment can cause serious injury when air bags inflate rapidly.

Allow only qualified personnel to service your device

Allowing non-qualified personnel to service your device may result in damage to your device and will void your manufacturer’s warranty.

Handle SIM cards or memory cards with care

Do not remove a card while the device is transferring or accessing information, as this could result in loss of data and/or damage to the card or device.

Protect cards from strong shocks, static electricity, and electrical noise from other devices.

Do not touch gold-colored contacts or terminals with your fingers or metal objects. If dirty, wipe the card with a soft cloth.

Ensure access to emergency services

Emergency calls from your device may not be possible in some areas or circumstances. Before traveling in remote areas without signal coverage, plan an alternate method of contacting emergency services personnel.

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) certification information

Your device conforms to European Union (EU) standards that limit human exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy emitted by radio and telecommunications equipment. These standards prevent the sale of mobile devices that exceed a maximum exposure level (known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR) of 2.0 W/kg.

During testing, the maximum SAR recorded for this model was 0.705 W/kg. In normal use, the actual SAR is likely to be much lower, as the device has been designed to emit only the RF energy necessary to transmit a signal to the nearest base station. By automatically emitting lower levels when possible, your device reduces your overall exposure to RF energy.

For more information about the SAR and related EU standards, visit the Samsung website.

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