
Memory in use:

--View contacts on: Select a memory location for displaying contacts.

--Save to contacts to: Select a memory location for saving new contacts.

Order of display name: Set how to display contact names.

Own numbers: Store and manage your own numbers.

Service numbers: Call your service provider to get the information you need.


Customize the settings for the calendar.

Calendars: Select a default calendar.

Calendar sync: Synchronize a web calendar with your device's calendar.

View by: Set the default calendar view (month or day).

Starting day: Set which day should begin the week (Sunday or Monday).


Customize the settings for the web browser. p. 76

››Media player

Customize the settings for the music player and video player.

Music player settings: Set the music player options. p. 62

VOD settings: Select a network connection profile to use for playing Video-On-Demand (VOD) content.
