Once you find a contact, you can:

Call the contact by selecting a number or pressing [].

Make a video call by selecting .

Send a text or multimedia message by selecting .

Send an email message by selecting an email address.

Set the contact as your favourites by selecting .

Edit the contact information by selecting Edit.

Use additional features by selecting . --Delete: Delete the contact.

--Mark as default: Select a default number for the contact.

--Save in My files: Save the contact in My files.

--Send namecard via: Share the contact information with others.

--Copy to SIM/Copy to phone: Copy contact cards from your device's memory to a SIM or USIM card or from a SIM or USIM card to your device's memory.

››Set a favorite number


In Menu mode, select Contacts Favorites Add.


Select the check box next to the contact and Add.

The contact is saved to the favorite number list.

The favorite numbers will be assigned to the buddy list () on the widget toolbar.

››Create your namecard


In Menu mode, select Contacts





Enter your own personal details.



Select Done.


You can send your namecard by attaching it to a message or email or transferring it via the Bluetooth wireless feature.

68Personal information