Using Samsung Command Center
Samsung Command Center is a program that enables the easy management of software provided for a Samsung computer. You can view brief descriptions of some programs and you can launch the programs directly. Samsung Command Center is always hidden automatically and it appears when you place the mouse cursor in the
Select Start > All Programs > Samsung > Samsung Command Center > Samsung
Command Center.
The Samsung Command Center screen consists of the following 4 areas.
SW Group Area
SW List Area
AV Station Area
Samsung Update Plus Area
•S/W Group Area : You can classify programs into 5 groups, these being System, Utility, Network, Support, and Entertainment and manage them. You can add a file that can be launched directly from the Desktop or Explorer (Files that have the extension of .cmd, .bat, .pif, .scf, .exe, .com, .lnk, or .scr ) by dragging and dropping them.
•S/W List Area : Shows software included in the S/W group.
You can add a file that can be launched directly from the Desktop or Explorer by dragging and dropping it. Some Samsung software is automatically added or removed from the list when the software is installed or removed. If you move