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1.¤ÅÔ¡¢ÇÒ·Õèä¿ÅìËÃ×Íâ¿Åà´ÍÃì·Õèµéͧ¡ÒÃáªÃìã¹ My Computer áÅéÇàÅ×Í¡Sharing and Security
2.¤ÅÔ¡ 'IF you understand the security risks but want to share files without running the wizard, click here'
¨ÐÁռŵèÍ¡ÒáÓ˹´¡ÒÃÃÑ¡ÉÒ¤ÇÒÁ»ÅÍ´ÀÑÂàªè¹à´ÕÂǡѺ¡ÒÃãªé'Network Setup Wizard' ˹éҨ͹Õé¨ÐäÁè»ÃÒ¡¯¢Öé¹ËÒ¡ÁÕ¡ÒõԴµÑé§ Internet Sharing Network Wizard äÇéã¹ÊÀÒÇÇÐáÇ´ÅéÍÁ¡Ò÷ӧҹ Ẻà¹çµàÇÔÃì¡ÃÐËÇèÒ§à¤Ã×èͧ¤ÍÁ¾ÔÇàµÍÃì
3.àÅ×Í¡ 'Just enable file sharing', áÅéǤÅÔ¡ OK
4.㹿ÔÅ´ì'Network sharing and security' ãËéàÅ×Í¡ 'Share this folder on the network' »é͹ª×èÍ¡ÒÃáªÃìáÅéǤÅÔ¡ OK
ÃÐÇѧ㹡ÒÃàÅ×Í¡ 'Allow network users to change my files' à¹×èͧ¨Ò¡¼ÙéãªéÍ×è¹æ ã¹à¹çµàÇÔÃ졨ÐÊÒÁÒöá¡éä¢ä¿ÅìµèÒ§æ ã¹â¿Åà´ÍÃì·ÕèáªÃìäÇéä´é