Call History Options
For additional information and options on a particular call,highlight
a Call History entry and press Options(right softkey).
Callto dial the phone number.
Call:Speaker Onto dial the phone number in speakerphone mode.
Send Messageto send a text message, picture,or video.
(See page 186 or 233 for details.)
Save Phone#to save the phone number (if applicable).
Go to Phone Bookappears when the number is already in
your Contacts list.(See “Saving a Phone Number From Call
History” on the next page.)
Prependto add numbers to the beginning of the phone number.
(See “Prepending a Phone Number From Call History” on
page 92.)
Copy to Personalto copy the phone number to the Ready Link
Personal List.(Only appears when Sprint PCS Ready Link mode is
set to Enable and the number does not match any stored entry in
your Personal List.)
Eraseto erase the entry.
Making a Call From Call History
To place a call from Call History:
1. Press to access the main menu.
2. Select Call Historyand press .
3. Select Outgoing,Incomingor Missedand press .
4. Scroll to the entry you want to call.
5. Press or .
– or –
Press Options(right softkey),highlight Call or Call:Speaker On,
and press .
Note:You cannot make calls from Call History to entries identified as No IDor
Section 2F: Managing Call History 90