Quiet Ringer 24
Phone 75
Picture Account 75
Through SMS 76
Return to Idle 64
Assigning 251
Downloading 250
Purchasing 251
Tone Length 41
Types 39
Volume 26, 42
Analog Networks 80
Digital Networks 79
Setting 81
Safety Guidelines 263
Saved to Phone Folder 174, 184
Calendar 103
Call Alarm 106
Erasing 110, 111
Event 104
Memory 111
Setting Holidays 103
To Do 1 09
Screen Call
Activating 136
Erasing 138
Recording 137, 138
Reviewing 138
Selecting Announcement 137
Screen Savers
Assigning 253
Downloading 252
Purchasing 253
Secret Mode 101
Security Menu
Accessing 69
Changing the Lock Code 72
Locking 69
Resetting 75
Unlocking Phone 3, 70
Shortcut 57
Side Key Guard 60
Signature 66
Silence All 45
Sleep Mode 64
Sound Settings
Silence All 45
Start-up/Power-off Tone 41
Volume Settings 26, 42
Speakerphone 25
Special Numbers 73
Speed Dialing 32, 98, 157
Sprint PCS Account Passwords 5
Sprint PCS Picture Mail
Password 163
Index 311