Playingan Audio or Video Clip
Enjoy your purchased channels from the channel list.In addition to
the list,you can also enjoy the Multimedia Player from a URL in the
browser or in the text message you have received (if available).
To play an audio or video clip:
1. Press to access the main menu.
2. Select Media Playerand press (the channel list appears).
Note:When you select the Media Player menu, categories may appear before
displaying the channel list (e.g. News, Sports, Entertainment, etc.) Select a
category and press to display your channel list.
3. Select a purchased channel under My Channelsand press or
Select(left softkey).
Tip:The indicator My Channelswill not appear if you have purchased all available
4. Use your navigation key to browse through available clips and
press Select(left softkey)to select and play an available clip.
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