Unit 5: Troubleshooting
MACHINE ERROR | 1 long | Machine Error | Cycle power on/off. If the former doesn’t |
| Defective main board | work, replace board. |
EEPROM ERROR | 1 long | EEPROM read/write error | Cycle power on/off. Reload. Replace. |
HEAD ERROR | 3 short | Print Head is damaged | Replace print head then cycle power. |
SENSOR ERROR | 3 short | Media meandering | Check media guides. |
| Incorrect adjustment | Cycle power and check adjustment. |
| Incorrcet sensor selection | Check sensor selection. |
| Defective sensor | Replace sensor. |
CARD R/W ERROR | 1 long | Card not installed | Install and cycle power. |
| Invalid number | Verify, correct. |
| Incorrect format | Format card and cycle power. |
| Write protected | Corrrect. |
CARD LOW BATTERY | 1 long | Memory card battery low | Replace battery and cycle power. |
CARD NO BATTERY | 1 long | No battery inside card. | Install battery. |
| Reformat & register card. |
HEAD OPEN | 3 short | Print head is open | Latch print head. |
PARITY ERROR | 3 short | Incorrect adjustment | Ensure correct settings. |
| Incorrect cable connection | Ensure correct connection. |
OVERRUN ERROR | 3 short | Incorrect parameter | Ensure correct settings. |
| Incorrect cable connection | Ensure correct connection (Null Modem). |
FRAMING ERROR | 3 short | Incorrect parameter | Ensure correct settings. |
| Incorrect cable connection | Ensure correct connection (Null Modem). |
BUFFER OVER | 3 short | Buffer overflow | Ensure correct settings. |
| Near full signal is ignored | Cycle power on/off. |
PAPER END | 3 short | Media stock exhausted | Replenish media. |
| Meandering media | Adjust media guides. |
| Incorrect sensor adjustment | Adjust sensor, open/close head lever. |
MEDIA ERROR | 3 short | Incorrect media type | Ensure correct media stock. |
| Incorrect signal. | Open/Close head lever. |
| Defective sensor | Replace sensor. |
CUTTER ERROR | 3 short | Cutter is jammed | Clean and cycle power. |
| Incorrect signal | Cycle power. |
| Defective cutter unit | Replace cutter unit. |
DOWNLOAD ERROR | 3 short | Read/Write error | Ensure no errors in download file. |
| No download domain | Ensure download file isn’t too large. |
CARD COPY/FORMAT | 3 short | Read/Write copying error | Ensure no errors in copy file. |
| Card not installed | Ensure card is present. |
| No copy domain | Ensure copying file isn’t too large. |
SATO M5900RVe Operator Manual | PN 9001125A | Page |