1. BUTTERFLY (15-125 Lbs.)
Muscles affected: pectoralls ma_or and minor, deltoids
ReFerto adjustment 2 on page 8 of thisowner'smanual. Change the arms to the but- lerfly mode. Sit on the seat and hold the pads on the arms as shown; your arms should be bent at 90* angles. Keep your back straight. Pressthe arms together until the pads touch. Returnto the starting position.
2. BENCH PRESS (30-250 Lbs.)
Muscles affected: pectoralis major and minor, anterior deltoids, triceps
Refer to adjustment 2 on Page 8 oF this owner'smanual. Change the arms to the
press mode. Sit on the seat and hold the handles on the arms with an overhand grip.
Raiseyour elbows as shown. Keep your back straight. Fully extend your arms. Return to the starting position.
3.FRONT ARM RAISE (15-125 Lbs.)
ReFerto adjustment 4 on Page 9 of this owner'smanual. Attach the strap to the low
pulley station. Stand with one heel on the foot plate. Hold the strap with an overhand
grip with your arm at your side. Keep your back straight. Raise I'hestrap until your
hand is level with your shoulder as shown. Return to the starting position.
4. UPRIGHT ROW (15-125 Lbs.)
Muscles affected: bkeps, deltoids, tropezlus
ReFerto adjustment 4 on Page 9 oFthis owner'smanual. Attach the rower bar to the low pulley station. Stand with your Feeton the foot plate. Hold the rower bar with an
overhand grip with your arms extended downward. Keep your back straight. Liftthe
rower bar untilyour hands are level with your chest as shown. Return to the starting position.
5.SHOULDER SHRUG ('15-125 Lbs.)
Refer ta adjustment 4 on page 9 oFthis owner'smanual. Attach the rower bar to the low pultey station. Stand with your feet on the foot plate. Hold the rower bar with an overhand grip with your arms extended downward. Keep your back strolghtand your arms at your sides.Shrug your shoulders up as far as Possib/e. Return to the starting position.