Assembly requires two persons.To assemblethe CROSS TRAINER e, usethe includedvideocassetteor follow the instructionsbelow. Due to the weight of the CROSS TRAINER e, it shouldbe assembledin the locationwhere it will be used. Place all parts in a cleared
The followlng loals (not included)are required for assembly:,two 8" Adjustable Wrenches _
Rubber Mallet _. | A small amount of soapy water is also required. |
1.Set the Front Base(7) .andthe Rear Base (8) on the floorasshownTurn. the Rear Base so the indented
holesare toward the floor.
Insert seven3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts(1) up through the indicated holesin the Front and Rear Bases (7, 8).
1 7
and a
2.With the help of a secondperson,set the Tower Frame (10) near the indicated ends of the Front and Rear Bases(7, 8). The Tower Frame mustbe turned so the Pedals (75, 76) are on the some side as the extension on the Front Base. Raisethe Tower Frame and lower it onto the two indicated3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts(1) in the Rear Base.
3.Raise the front of the Tower Frame (10) and lower it onto the two indicated 3/8 _'x 2 1/2" Carriage Baits
(1)in the Front Base(7).
Adjust the positionof the Tower Frame (10) so the fourindicated 3/8" x 2 1/2' Carriage Bal_(1) ore centered in the slottedholesin the Tower Frame. Thread a 3/8" Nut (2) with a 3/8" Iockwasher (3) onto each Carriage Bolt. Do not fighlen the Nuls yet.