14.Attach the Seal (28} to the Upright (9) with the two 1/4" x 5/8" Baits (20} and a 1/4" x 2" Bolt(118).
15.Center one Pod Tube (22) in the Upright (9), and the other Pod Tube in the Leg Developer (23). Slide the four Small Pads (17) onto the ends of the Pad Tubes.
16.Restth.eLeftand Right Pedals (75, 76] on the honks
•at the lower ends of the ResistanceCylinders (84).
Make sum that the hooks are f_ily inserted into the same slots under both Pedals.
Hug theTransformer(39) intothejackIocalednear thebottomof theRightSideShield (12).
17.Make surethat all padsare properlytightenedThe. useof all remainingpadswill be exploinedin ADJUSTING THE•CROSSTRAINERe, beginningon page8 of thisowner'smanual.
18.Before using the CROSS TRAINER e, test the cables and the pulleys.Make sure that the cables are ;n the grooves in the pulleys. If the cables do not move smoothlyover the pulleys, locate and corred the problem before using
ithe CROSS 1RAINER e. If the cables are not properly routed, they will be damaged when used.