6. LATERALARM RAISE (15-125 Lbs.)
Musclesaffecfed:deltoids, tropezlus
ReFerto adjustment4 on page 9 of this owner'smanual. Attach the shop to the low pulley statlon. Sfand with your side toward the CROSS TRAINER • with your feet on the foot plate. Hold the stropwith an overhand grip with your arm at your side. Keep your back straight. Raise the stropto the side until your hand is level with your shoul- der as shown. Returnto the starting position.
7.SEATED ROW--CLOSE GRIP (15-125 Lbs.)
Muscles affected:deltolds/Irapezius, biceps, brachloradials, latlssimus dorsl
ReFerto adjustment4 on page 9 of this owner'smanual Attach the rower bar to the low pulley station. Sit on the floor with your heels on the foot plate, lean forward, extend your arms and hold the rower bar with on overhand grip. Pull the rower bar toward your stomachand lean back, keeping your elbows dose to your sides. Refum to the staffingposition.
8. LAT PULL-DOWN--CHEST (15-125 Lbs.)
Muscles affecfed:Iotisslmus dorsl, trapezius, pectorolls maior
ReFerto adjustment3 on page 8 of this owner'smanual. Attach the ]at bar to the high pulley station. Sit on the seat facing the CROSS TRAINERe. Exfend your arms upward and hold the lot bar with an overhand grip. Keep your back straight. Pull the lot bar down until your hands are level with your neck as shown. Return to the stort- ing position.
9.LAT PULL-DOWN-BACK (15-125 Lbs.)
Musclesa_,cted: Iotissimus dorsl, tropezlus
Refer to adjustment3 on page 8 of this owner'smanuaJ.Attach the lot bar to the high pulley stotbn. Sit on the seat facing the CROSS TRAINER e. Exfend your arms upward and hold the lot bar with an overhand grip. Keep your back straight and lean forward slightly. Pullthe lot bar down behindyour head until your hands are level with your neck. Return to the stordng position.
10. HIP EXTENSION (15-125 Lbs.)
ReFerto adjustment4 on page 9 oLrthis owner'smanual. AHoch the sfrap to the low pulley stotbn. Stand with one foot on the foot plate. Insedone leg into the strop. Keep your back strolght. Keep your leg straight and move it backward as for as pas- sibFe.Returnto the starting position.