After you have applied a decal to the exercise insertfor each of the exercisesthat you want to include in your first workout, fit the four tabs on the insert into the slots in the lower part of the computer. Make sure that the insert is turned so the decals are visible. (The use of the remaining spaceson the insert will be explained below.)
Next, a weight, set and repetition settingshould be programmed for each of the exercises, and the workout shouldbe stored on the CUSTOM SMART CARD.
Pressthe CREATE PROGRAM butlon. The indicator nextto the buflonwlU light. Pressthe right or left arrow on the NEXT button, if necessary,until the indicator is flashingon the first space on the exercise insertwhere a decal has been
applied. The number of the exercise will be shown in the CALORIES/EXERCISENO. display'.Next, press the TONE or STRENGTH button, depending on whether you want the first exerciseto be a tone or a strength exercise. The indicator next la the bultonyou press will light. The WEIGHT, SETSand REPSdisplays will show the recommended weight setting and numbersof setsand repetitions for the firstexercise. WARNING: The recommended weight setting may be too high or too low for you, depending on such factors as your body size and physical condition. If you cannot com- plete the recommended numbers of sels and repetitions, the weight setting should be decreased. If desired, the weight, set or repetition setting can be changed by pressingthe increaseor decrease button below the WEIGHT, SETS or REPSd_splay.The weight settingcan be changed in incrementsof 1 paund;the buff`onscon be held down to change the weight settingquickly. The number of setsor repetitionscan be changed in incrementsof 1. The range of sets is 1 to 9. The range of repetitionsis 2 to 20. After you have programmed the desired weight, set and repetition settings for the first exercise, pressthe STORE button. The indicator will rernoin lightedon the first exercise on the exercise insert, and the indicator will begin flashing on the next exercise on the insert. Pressthe TONE or STRENGTH buffon and program
weight, set and repetition settingsfor the next exercise as described above. Pressthe STORE button. Repeat for each of the exercises on the insert. The workout will then be stored on the CUSTOM SMART CARD.
When you ore ready to begin the workout, press the RUN PROGRAM buff`on.The indicator next to the button will light. The indicatorswill light on oil of the spaceson the exercise insert where decals have been applied. The indicator will be flashing on the firstexercise of the workout. Begin the first exercise. (Refer to pages 17 through 24 of this owner's rnanuol for information about the proper form for the exercise.) As you exercise, the computer willprovide the some feedbeck as when it is in the manual mode. After you have completed all of the sets and repetitions for the first exer- cise, pressthe right arrow on the NEXT button.The indicator will begin flashing on the next exercise of the workout. Perform the next exerciseas described above. Repeal untilyou have completed all of the exercises included in the workout.
The workout con be revised as your fitnesslevel increasesor your goals change. To revise the workout, first press the CREATEPROGRAM button. To revise the settings for on exercise, pressthe right or left arrow on the NEXT button until the indicator is flashingon the exercise that you want to revise. Pressthe increase or decrease button below the WEIGHT, SETSor REPSdisplay la change the setting. Pressthe STOREbutton. To delete an exercise, press the right or left arrow on the NEXT button until the indicator is flashingon the exercisethat you wont to delete. Pressthe DELETE button. Removethe decal for the exercise from the exercise _nsert.To odd an exercise, attach a decal to the insertand press the right or left arrow on the NEXT buff`onuntil the indicator is flashing on the new exercise on the insert. Program weight, set and repetition settings as described above. Pressthe STOREbuff`on.
Becausethere ore 40 spaces on the exercise insert,a number of different workouts con be stored on the CUSTOM SMART CARD at the some time. For example, your exercise program could include three different
vidual needs.