Using the DNP 3.0 Protocol 9300 Series User’s Guide
Page 62 Chapter 3 - Default Meter Functionality
DNP Options Module Settings
The DNP Options module provides global settings that affect all DNP Slave Export
and DNP Slave Import modules. The default settings in this module are shown in
the following table.
Importing Data using DNP 3.0
Data can be imported into the 9330 and 9350 from a DNP Master device. DNP
Slave Import modules are used to take a DNP analog or binary output object and
map it into an ION numeric or Boolean register. Refer to the ION Programmer’s
Reference for detailed module descriptions.
Setup Register Setting Function
BinInStatic Single-bit Binary Input Variant for Binary Input Static objects
BinInEvents Binary Input Change w/o time Variant for Binary Input Event objects
BinInEvDepth 100 Maximum number of Binary Input Events that can be stored
BinCntStatic 16-bit Binary Counter w/o flag Variant for Binary Counter Static objects
FrzCntStatic 16-bit Frozen Counter w/o flag Variant for Frozen Counter Static objects
FrzCntEvents 16-bit Frozen Counter Event w/o time Variant for Frozen Counter Event objects
FrzCntEvDepth 100 Max number of Frozen Counter Events that can be stored
CntChangeEvents 16-bit Counter Change Event w/o time Variant for Counter Change Event objects
CntChangeEvDepth 100 Max number of Counter Change Events that can be stored
AIStatic 16-bit Analog Input w/o flag Variant for Analog Input Static objects
FrzAIStatic 16-bit Frozen Analog Input w/o flag Variant for Frozen Analog Input Static objects
FrzAIEvents 16-bit Frozen Analog Event w/o time Variant for Frozen Analog Input Event objects
FrzAIEvDepth 100 Max number of Frozen An alog Input Events that can be stored
AIChangeEvents 16-bit Analog Input Change Event w/o time Variant for Analog Input Change Event objects
AIChangeEvDepth 200 Max number of Analog Input Change Events that can be stored
AOStatic 16-bit Analog Output Status Variant for Analog Output Block objects
SelectTimeout 10 Select Before Operate timeout period (in seconds)
TimeSynchPeriod 86400 Time (in seconds) between IED requests for time syncs
ALFragSize 2048 Max application layer message size (in octets) that IED can send
DLAck Never When device requests data link layer acknowledgements
DLTimeout 2 How long the data link layer waits for acknowledgement from Master
DLNumRetries 0 How many times a data link layer packet is re-sent after failing