SmartBridges sB3416-01, sB3416-03, sB3416-02 manual Wireless Settings

Models: sB3416-03 sB3416-01 sB3416-02

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3. Wireless Settings and Bandwidth Controller

3.1. Wireless Settings

The Wireless Settings can be accessed from the Radio Wireless Settings in the navigation menu bar.

Figure 3-1 airClient TOTAL Wireless Settings

The following table summarizes the information for the wireless settings.


Table 3-1 Wireless Settings



Page Items



The network name for the wireless network.

SSID Suppressed

Shows if the SSID Suppressed is Enable or Disabled


This is not selectable in the current Router/NAT device


configuration or Client Bridge Mode configuration (sB3416-03


only). The client will follow the channel of the AP to be

associated with.



The channel has to be set explicitly in the WDS Bridge Mode


configuration (sB3416-03 only)

Remote AP MAC

This is the MAC address of the remote Access Point.


For WDS Bridge Mode (sB3416-03 only) - This has to be a

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SmartBridges sB3416-01, sB3416-03, sB3416-02 manual Wireless Settings