SmartBridges sB3416-01, sB3416-03 Backup/Restore Settings, AirClient Total Snmp Configuration

Models: sB3416-03 sB3416-01 sB3416-02

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Figure 5-5 airClient TOTAL SNMP Configuration

5.7.Backup/Restore Settings

The Backup/Restore page backs up good configuration settings of the system. This can be used to restore the unit in case of any undesired circumstances.

Follow the steps below to change the Backup/Restore settings:

1.From the navigation menu bar, click on Tools Backup/Restore to save or restore the settings on the unit. A page will appear as shown below.

2.Click on the Save button to save the current good settings of the system.

3.In the event the unit needs to be restored, select the Restore & Reboot button to recover the settings of unit that was saved earlier. This action will also reboot the system for the new settings to take effect.

4.The user can also save the current settings of the system to the PC through the Ethernet interface. Click Here to save the options to a PC.

5.The saved file can be used to restore the system at a later time. (Note: The system will currently only allow a file with the name apcfg to be uploaded).

6.By clicking the FactoryReset & Reboot button, the unit will reset and go back to the factory defaults.

airClient™ TOTAL 3416 User Guide

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SmartBridges sB3416-01, sB3416-03, sB3416-02 manual Backup/Restore Settings, AirClient Total Snmp Configuration