SmartBridges sB3416-02, sB3416-03, sB3416-01 manual Site Survey, System Admin

Models: sB3416-03 sB3416-01 sB3416-02

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i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s

p l a t f o r m

5.3. Site Survey

From the navigation menu bar, click on Tools Site Survey to access the Site Survey page. A screen, similar to the one below, would show all the standards-based wireless devices operating in the area.

Figure 5-3 airClient TOTAL Site Survey

The following table summarizes the information for the Site Survey items.




Table 5-2 Site Survey Page Items






Page Item






Allows the airClient TOTAL to associate with a different Access Point




The network name for the wireless network.




The MAC address of the device


Wireless Mode


Displays the radio operating mode of the device.




Displays the channel at which the device is operating.




Displays the signal strength of the corresponding device.




Displays the security mode that the device is currently operating in. If WEP or




security option is enabled on the Access Point, then WEP needs to be enabled




on the airClient TOTAL, and WEP key defined prior to association.


Network Mode


Displays the current wireless mode of the device. This could be Infrastructure or








Save button


Select a different SSID, and select on the Save button to move to another AP.


Refresh button


Refreshes the Site Survey page

5.4.System Admin

This menu option allows the user to change the User Name and/or password to access the unit. Refer to chapter 2.2 to change the user name and/or administrator password.

The default user name is administrator and the default password is smartBridges (case sensitive).

airClient™ TOTAL 3416 User Guide

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SmartBridges sB3416-02, sB3416-03, sB3416-01 manual Site Survey, System Admin