SmartBridges sB3416-03, sB3416-01, sB3416-02 manual Wireless Bandwidth Control

Models: sB3416-03 sB3416-01 sB3416-02

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3.2. Bandwidth Control

Using the Bandwidth Controller, the user can limit the wireless link bandwidth speed. The maximum allowable bandwidth is up to 512Kbps in sB3416-01, 1 Mbps in 3416-02 and 3 Mbps in 3416-03. This is subject to the available upstream bandwidth, signal level and distance.

Note: For the 3416-03 model only, the user can control the upload and the download bandwidth for the wireless link, and control bandwidth on the Ethernet side, based on the IP address or the MAC address of the device.

3.2.1. Wireless Bandwidth Control

Follow the steps below to change the bandwidth parameters, on the wireless side :

1.From the navigation menu bar, click on Networking Bandwidth Control.

2.On 3416-01 and 3416-02, set the Bandwidth Control field to limit desired bandwidth, as shown in Fig 3-2. The maximum bandwidth allowable is 512 kbps for 3416-01, 1024 kbps for 3416-02.

3.On 3416-03, you can configure the upload and download limit separately, as shown below in Fig 3.3. The maximum bandwidth allowable on 3416-03 is 3072 kbps.

4.Click on Save to save the settings. The settings will take effect after the Reboot.

Figure 3-2 airClient TOTAL Bandwidth Control (sB3416-01 / sB3416-02)

airClient™ TOTAL 3416 User Guide

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SmartBridges sB3416-03, sB3416-01, sB3416-02 manual Wireless Bandwidth Control