Call History Options
For additional information and options on a particular call, highlight a Call History entry and press . This feature displays the date and time of the call, the phone number (if available), and the caller’s name (if the number is already in
your Contacts). By pressing Options ( ), you can select from the following options:
⬤Send Msg to send a text or SMS Voice message, Picture Mail, or a handwritten message.
⬤Save to save the number if it is not already in your Contacts. (See “Saving a Phone Number From Call History” on page 97.)
⬤Prepend to add numbers to the beginning of the selected number. (See “Prepending a Phone Number From Call History” on page 98.)
⬤Erase to delete the entry.
You can also view the next Call History entry by pressing the navigation key right or view the previous entry by pressing the navigation key left.