■AlarmTime to edit the alarm time (number of hours or minutes before the event starts). The default alarm time is 10 minutes before an event.
■Repeat to set the event’s repeating status. Select None, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
5.Press Save (left softkey) to schedule the event.
Tip: |
| Thedateforwhichyouhavescheduledeventsisindicatedwith | |
| atriangle. | |
| Pressthenavigationkeyupordowntoscrollbyweekthrough |
| thecalendarandtheSideVolumekeytoscrollbymonth. |
Event Alerts
There are several ways your phone alerts you to scheduled events:
⬤By playing the alert tone (depending on the ringer type and ringer volume setting).
⬤By blinking the LED.
⬤By displaying the event’s description on the Main LCD when the phone is open.
⬤By lighting the LCD backlight (depending on the backlight setting).