Call Alarm Menu
When your phone is turned on and you have scheduled a call alarm, your phone alerts you and displays the name or phone number you wish to call.
1.Select or View (left softkey) to silence the alarm and see the unchecked event list.
2.Highlight the unchecked event and press to see the call alarm details, or press Options (right softkey) for the following options. (To select an option, highlight it and press
■Call to dial the scheduled phone number.
■Call:SpeakerOn to dial the scheduled phone number in speakerphone mode.
■Snooze to repeat the alarm in 10 minutes.
■SavePhone# to save the scheduled phone number in your Contacts list. GotoPhoneBook appears when the number is already in your Contacts list. (See “Saving a Phone Number”on page 37.)
Note: IfyoupressExit (leftsoftkey)duringstep2above,youare
promptedtoerasetheuncheckedevent.Select Yes toeraseor
No tocancel.
▶Press or
to dial the phone number (if applicable).
■Press to make a Sprint PCS Ready Link call (if applicable).
■Press any key to silence the alarm.