8.11 Feedback
Every closed servo system will normally require at least one feedback device for sending actual
values from the motor to the servo drive. Depending on the type of feedback device used, informa-
tion will be fed back to the servo amplifier using digital or analog means.
SERVOSTAR 600 supports the most common types of feedback device whose functions must be
assigned with the parameters
FBTYPE (screen page FEEDBACK), primary Feedback
EXTPOS (screen page POSITION), secondary Feedback
GEARMODE (screen page GEARING), secondary Feedback
in the setup software. Scaling and other settings must always be made here.
Configuration Location ASCII Parameter Commu-
One Feedback motor FBTYPE XXX
Two Feedbacks
externally EXTPOS X
For a detailed description of the ASCII parameters, please refer to the online help of the setup soft-
The table below provides an overview of the supported feedback types, their corresponding param
eters and a reference to the relevant connection diagram in each case. On each of these, the pin
assignment shown on the encoder side relates to theDanaher Motion motors.
Primary feedback type Connector Wiring
diagram FBTYPE
Resolver X2 ðp.52 0, 3
SinCos Encoder BISS X1 ðp.53 20*
SinCos Encoder ENDAT X1 ðp.54 3, 4
SinCos Encoder HIPERFACE X1 ðp.54 2, 3
SinCos Encoder w/o data channel X1 ðp.55 6, 7 (16*)
SinCos Encoder + Hall X1 ðp.56 11*
RS422 5V + Hall X1 ðp.56 12*
RS422 5V X5 ðp.57 8*, 9*
Sensorless (w/o feedback) - - 10*
* Can only be set on the terminal screen of the setup software
** RS422 means “incremental encoder AquadB”.

Hints for combining primary with secondary feedback systems for position

control/electr. gearing can be found from page 58.

SERVOSTAR®601...620 Product Manual 51
Danaher Motion 07/2007 Electrical Installation