Using a Cue Point
Using the top slider in EQ mode, move the red play marker to the first beat in the song, then press the CUE button to lock in that cue point. (Figure 6.2)
Figure 6.2
Once the cue point is set, do the same thing with the song in Deck B.
6.1.3Using a Cue Point
Now that the cue point has been set, there are different behaviors you might see depending on how the CUE button is used.
•On a paused deck, clicking cue sets a new current cue point at the current play position. In Snap Mode, this cue point will snap to the beat nearest the play position.
•When the track is paused and cued up to the current cue point, click and hold the cue button to
•Clicking cue during playback jumps the current play position back to the previously set current cue point and stops playback.
Play with the cue button on both decks. Once you feel comfortable, we will mix these 2 songs together!
6.1.4Sync’ing Two Decks
Before you can mix, you have to have something to mix into, so let’s hit PLAY on Deck A. Also, let’s make sure that the mixer is ready for us to mix on. Use your finger to turn the channel volumes up to the top, and then move the crossfader all the way to the left. (Figure 6.3)
| EQ |
| FX |
Figure 6.3