Delta User’s Manual

about it in Chapter 6. We just wanted to illustrate a code that causes Delta to perform a function.

The escape






one particular

ASCII code that we are going to be


using more than all the rest. This is ASCII 27, which is called


escape. In BASIC it’s CHR$(27). With all of Delta’s advanced fea-


tures, there weren’t enough single ASCII codes to go around. So


escape is used to start sequences of control codes that open a


wider range of functions to us.




While you must call this code CHR$(27) in BASIC, we are


going to refer

to it as (ESC)

in this book. This will make

it much -

easier to recognize when we use it.



A typical

escape code

sequence starts with (ESC)

which is


followed by one or more CHR$ codes. As an example, the escape


code sequence

to turn on italic print is:












In a program, this would look like this:







Try this program, it will print the word TESTING in italic.


Some of you fast students may have noticed that CHR$(52) is


the same as “4”. That’s right, the program will work just as well if


line 10 is changed like this:





That’s just another form of the same ASCII code, and it’s all the same to Delta.

Here’s another shortcut for BASIC programmers: since (ESC) is used so often, assign it to a variable. In a long program, typing ESC$ is much easier than typing CHR$(27) each time! Now

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Star Micronics Delta user manual NEW LPRINTCHR$27CHR$52 2$3LPRINT Testing RUN, Escape Code