Chapter 5

Formatting Your Output

You have probably used the tab and margin features on a type- writer. They make it easier to format the text on a page. Delta also has tabs and margins that you can set. But it goes beyond the capa- bilities of a typewriter because besides having tabs that go across the page, called horizontal tabs, Delta has vertical tabs that go down the page. In this chapter we will discover how to use the tabs and margins on Delta.

When you turn Delta on there are horizontal tabs set automat- ically every ten spaces. If you start counting at column 1 they are at columns 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. It’s easy to use these tabs; you just send a CHR$(S) to Delta and the print head will move to the next tab position. CHR$(S) is the ASCII code (HT) for horizontal tab.

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Star Micronics Delta user manual Formatting Your Output