58 Delta User’s Manual __
3!2 LPRINT CHR$(27) "Q" CHR$(7@)
4121 GOSUB l@
1(&Z FOR I = 1 TO 8@
ll@ LPRINT "Xl';
12pl NEXT I
The first thing that this program does is to branch to the sub-
routine that starts in line 100. This subroutine prints 80 X’s in a ,_
row. The first time that the subroutine is used, all the X’s fit in one
line. Then line 20 sets the left margin to 10, and line 30 sets the
right margin to 70. Once again the subroutine is used, but this
time the X’s won’t all fit on one line since there is now only room
for 61 characters between the margins. (There’s room for 61
(instead of 60) characters because you can print in both the first
and last column that you name.)
Run the program. The results will look like this:
When you want to reset the margins to the default values, you
have two choices. You can either turn the printer off and back on,
or you can set margin values equal to the default values. This
means that you should set a left margin of 1 and a right margin of
80 on Delta-10 or 136 on Delta-15. -
If you change the pitch of your printing after you set your
margins, the margins will not change. They stay at the same place
on the page. So if you set the margins to give you 65 columns of
printing when you are using pica type, and then you change to
elite type you will have room for more than 65 columns of elite
printing between the margins.
Using Vertical Tabs -
Vertical tabs have the same kinds of uses that horizontal tabs
do-they just work in the other direction. Horizontal tabs allow
you to reach a specific column on the page no matter where you
start from. Vertical tabs are the same. If you have a vertical tab set