This printer can print at the quick rate of 180 characters per second. But it will also print more slowly at the speed of your typing. In the
You can turn the
20 A$="" : INPUT M TYPE A CHARACTERS",A$ 30 IF A$="" THEN 50
40 LPRINT A$; : GOT0 20
50 LPRINT :LPRINT CHR$(27);"@"
Now type several characters, and after each press the RE- TURN key. The printer simply puts the characters into its buffer while it waits for a carriage return code. (In this program the RETURN key doesn’t send a carriage return code.) To end this program and print the contents of the buffer, press RETURN alone.
Now add this line:
10 LPRINT CHR$(2?);"il";
. And RUN the program. Your printer will now respond to your typing - immediately.
When you are finished, press RETURN alone.
nAdjusting the width of space between characters
This printer provides a command that adjusts the space between all characters that it prints in the Standard mode. The < ESC > CHR$(32) CHR$(n) command adds blank space between the characters. The units of space that are added vary in
Try this program to see how this works.