They include:
nPS Underscore ^PD
hPB Boldface
^PX Strikeout
^PV Subscript
It is also possible to define the ^PA (alternate pitch) com- mand to change the print pitch of your document. The WordStar User’s Manual fully describes the use of these ^P functions. You should refer to your manual if you need help with them.
There are four alternate “P codes that can be defined during the installation of your WordStar program to perform other printer functions. They are ^PQ, ^PW, ^PE, and ^PR. The process of defining ^P commands is called “patching” and is a fairly complicated process. Once you have successfully de- fined these codes, they are inserted in your text exactly like other ^P commands. If you wish to use them, refer to the WordStar User’s Manual for instructions or contact your dealer for assistance.
Perhaps the most useful
document and subsequently, you are limited to using WordStar’s repertoire of print functions. A shame when you have a powerful printer!
Lotus is one of the integrated software packages that include a spreadsheet, a database manager and graphics. We will look at how to print Lotus