10 ' Demo of top and bottom margins
60 LPRINT CHR$(12); : ' form feed
70 FOR I=1 TO 150
110 LPRINT CHR$(12); : ' form feed
120 END
When you run this program it will print 150 lines right down
the page and across the perforations. When it’s done line 110
sends a form feed to advance to the top of the next page.
Now add the following lines to your program. (Don’t forget
the semicolons or you won’t get quite the same results that
we did.)
20 ' Leave 6 blank lines at the bottom of page
30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"N";CHR$(6);
40 ' Start top of page at line 6
50 LPRINT CHR$(27);"r";CHR$(6);
100 LPRINT CHR$(27);"0" : ' clear top and
bottom margins"
Now when you run the program, your printer skip the first
six lines and the last six lines on each page (as shown on page
70). Always send a form feed after setting the top margin,
or it will not work on the first page printed. That’s because
the top margin only takes effect after a form feed.
Line 50 sets the top margin, line 30 sets the bottom margin,
and line 100 clears both margins when we are done.
The left and right margins of this printer work just like a
typewriter-once they are set all printing is done between them.
You can set margins either by using the keys on the control
panel, as described in Chapter 3, or by escape commands. The
commands to set the margins are given in Table 5-6.