hnfnediate print
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC>-i,, “~,, 27 105 49 IB 69 31
Both cES(J>“i” <1> 27105 1 IB 69 01
Selects the immediate print mode, in which the printer prints each
character as soonas received. Atevery pause in the incomingdata stream
the printer scrolls the paper up about 2inches so that the current line
can be seen. When the next character is received the paper is scrolled
backdown andprinting continues. Thiscommandosignored whenfriction
feedis used.
Cancel immediate print
IModel ASCII IDecimal IHexadecimal I
<~s~ >q>> ‘,0>> 27 105 48 IB 69 30
Both <ESC>“i” <()> 27105 0 IB 69 00
Cancds the immediate print mode. The printer waits for each line to be
completed beforeprinting it, and does not scroll the paper up and down.
This command is ignoredwhen friction feed is used.
Set printer off-line
Mode ASCII IDecimal IHexadecimal I
Std. I<DC3>I19 113 I
IBM[<ESC>“Q” <3> I27 81 3 IIB 51 03 1
Setsthe printer off-line. The printer disregards all subsequent characters
and commands except <DC1>, which returns it to the on-line state.
The printer’sOn Line indicator does not go off.
Set printer on-line
Mode ASCII IDecimal IHexadecimal I
Both <DC1>17 I11 I
Returns the printer to theon-line state, allowing it to receiveand process
all subsequent characters and commands. This command is ignored if
the printer wasset off-line by pressing the On Line switch on the control