Set line spacing to 7172inch
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC >“]” 2’749 IB 31
Setsthe distance the paper advances or reverses in subsequent line feeds
to 7/72inch.
Set line spacing to 1/6 inch
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
std. <Esc> ,’y 27 50 IB 32
Sets the distance the paper advanmxor reverses in subsequent line feeds
to 1/6inch.
Set line spacingto n1216inch
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC>“~,, ~27 51 nIB 33 n
Setsthe distance the paper advances or reverses in subsequent line feeds
to n/216inch, where nis between Oand 255. If n=O,in Standard mode
theline-feeddistance is setto O,but in IBM mode thiscommand is ignored.
Set line spacing to n172inch
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC >,c~n ~27 65 nIB 41 n
In Standard mode, sets the distance the paper advances or reverses in
subsequent line feeds to n/72 inch, where nis between Oand 85. If n
=O,the line spacing is set to O.
In IBM mode this command does the same except that (1)the new Iine
spacingdoes not take effect until the next <ESC >“2” command, and
(2)if n=O, the <ESC>“A” command is ignored.
Execute <ESC> “A”
IModel ASCII IDecimal IHexadecimal I
Sets the line spacingto the value defined by the last preceding <ESC>
“A”command. Sets the line spacing to 1/6 inch if there is no preceding
<ESC>“A” command.