95741 Sixth Edition 3-53
Configure the Drive
Configure the Drive
After installation, make sure drive is properly configured as follows:
1. Obtain site specific configuration requirements.
2. Make sure the drive configuration settings match requirements.
Note: For change drive configuration guidance, refer to:
Fibre Channel Change Configuration Menu on page 6-10
SCSI Change Configuration Menu on page 6-24
3. Close any open doors and replace any access covers of the library or the
Table 3-3 provides a summary of configurable items.
Table 3-3. Fibre Channel and SCSI Configuration Items
Selection Fibre Channel SCSI
Compression Yes Yes
Data Security Erase Yes Yes
Port A/B Attributes1Yes N/A
SCSI Attributes1N/A Yes
Tape Bar Usage Yes Yes
Language Yes Yes
VolSafe Yes Yes
FullCode Load2No No
Emulation Yes Yes
Library Address3Yes Yes
CSL Power Up Mode Yes Yes
1 Fibre Channel and SCSI attributes must be set to match specific site
2 Full code load is preset to No, and only applicable single firmware code is
loaded in the drive EEPROM prior to shipment from StorageTek. Refer to
FullCode Load Submenu, on page 6-18 or page 6-29 for additional FullCode
3 Library address must be unique as required for specific site installation.