Basic Operations
4-4 Sixth Edition 95741
View Drive Configuration
To view current drive configuration:
1. Press Menu to enter the menu system.
a. If the display shows Online, go to step 2.
b. If the display shows Offline, press Select to place the drive online
2. Press Menu until the display shows View CFG ?.
3. Press Select to enter the view configuration submenus. The display shows
the first configuration setting.
4. Press Menu to step through the configuration settings.
5. Press Select to exit when the display shows Exit CFG ?,
or press Menu to repeat the view configuration submenus.
6. Press Menu until the display shows Exit Menu?
7. Press Select to exit the menu system, or press Menu to repeat the Online/
Offline selection.
View Firmware Release Level
To view the firmware release level:
1. Press Menu to enter the menu system.
2. Press Menu until the display shows a number in the following format:
Rx.yy.zzzc, where:
x is the major revision level
yy is the minor revision level
zzz is the integration number
c is the channel type, where
f is Fibre Channel
s is SCSI
3. Press Menu until the display shows Exit Menu?
4. Press Select to exit the menu system, or press Menu to repeat the Online/
Offline selection.