xvi Sixth Edition 95741
■Comments and Suggestions
A Reader’s Comment Form at the back of this publication lets you communicate
suggestions or requests for change. StorageTek encourages and appreciates
reader feedback.
■Alert Messages
Alert messages call the reader’s attention to information that is especially
important or that has a unique relationship to the main text or graphic.
Note: A note provides additional information that is of special interest. A note
might point out exceptions to rules or procedures. A note usually, but
not always, follows the information to which it pertains.
A caution informs the reader of conditions that might result in damage to
hardware, corruption of data, corruption of application software, or long-
term health problems in people. A caution always precedes the
information to which it pertains.
A warning alerts the reader to conditions that might result in injury or
death. A warning always precedes the information to which it pertains.
■Related Publications
The following publications contain additional information on the 9840 Tape
Drive or its configurations.
Appendix A “Specifications” provides specifications on the tape drive and
Glossary The Glossary defines new or special terms and abbreviations
used in this publication.
Index The Index assists in locating information in this publication.
Publication Part Number
9840 Tape Drive General Information Manual (GIM) MT 4004
TimberWolf 9738 Library Product Manual 95836