95741 Sixth Edition 7-9
Save Fails or Fix_CfgErr Indication
Save Fails or Fix_CfgErr Indication
This section contains specific information to clear a Save Fails or Fix_CfgErr

Explanation of Operations

Save New Configuration Change

When you make configuration changes, you save them to the RAM. The RAM
copy is in turn stored in the EEPROM.
The ASIA (Application Specific Interface Adaptor) looks at the entire RAM
contents, generates a checksum, and stores it in the EEPROM.
During normal operation, the drive uses the RAM content to determine drive
configuration, and the EEPROM remains idle. Note that while drive power is on,
the RAM periodically rewrites (refreshes) the EEPROM.


The EEPROM is a non-volatile storage in which the drive configuration is saved
through power on/off cycles.
The RAM is the volatile working memory used by the drive to hold the
configuration data while it is powered on.
When powering off, the RAM content is lost, and the drive configuration is
retained only in the EEPROM.

After Power On or IPL

When the drive is powered on or an IPL is manually initiated, the EEPROM
contents are sent to the RAM. This data includes both the configuration data
and the previously stored checksum.
The ASIA reads the RAM, generates a new checksum, and compares it to the
previously stored checksum, looking for a match.

Fix_CfgErr Error Indication

This error may occur during power on or IPL. The ASIA reads the RAM,
generates a fresh checksum from the RAM contents it sees, and compares this
checksum to the stored checksum. If there is no match, it shows up as a
Fix_CfgErr display. This may indicate a defective EEPROM or RAM.

Save Fails Error Indication

This error may occur when you save a new configuration to the RAM after
making configuration changes. It usually indicates a defective RAM.