5 - Basic operations
This section explains some of the basic operations
using the DA-78HR. Section 7, “Advanced opera-
tions” describes more advanced operations.
Most operations on a DA-78HR are similar to those
on a traditional analog multitrack recorder, but we
suggest that you read this section and the next to
learn about the features of the DA-78HR.
5.1 Formatting a tape
Before you use a tape in the DA-78HR, you must
first format it. This marks internal synchronization
patterns f or the servo to follo w on subsequen t passe s
through the tape as well as the subcode data (ABS).
The process also initializes the tape for recording at
either 16-bit or 24-bit resolution.
No audio data is normally recorded during a format-
ting operation (but see below).

5.1.1 Selecting a word clock source

1Use the CLOCK key to select a clock source.
Remember that in your digital audio setup, only one
digital audio device should be set to be a clock mas-
ter. All other digital audio devices must derive their
clocks from it.
There are four options available:
WORD (the WORD indicator lights)—this is the
word clock received at the WORD SYNC IN con-
nector. You may use this setting when recording
digital audio through the TDIF-1 input, if the
source of the audio is set to be a clock master.
IN T (inter nal)—bo th the WORD and DIGITAL IN
CLOCK indicators light. You may use this setting if
other digital audio devices are to be word clock
slaves, or if the input signals are analog.
DIGITAL IN —t his ref e rs to the SPDIF (COAXIAL)
input. Use this if the recording source is to be
received here, and the source device is a word
clock master.
SYNC IN—this cannot be set using the CLOCK
key, but occurs automatically when the DA-78HR
is being controlled from another DTRS unit, and
the REMOTE IN/SYNC IN connecti o n has be e n
made (see 8.1, “Synchronization connections”).
Neither the WORD nor DIGITAL IN indicators will
light at this time.

5.1. 2 Forma ttin g

While formatting is proceeding, you cannot perform
any other transport operation except stopping the
You cannot change the sampling rate or the bit reso-
lution while formatt ing is in progress.
1Switch on the DA-78HR and load a tape into
the tape loading slot. As the tape is loaded and
threaded, the tape counter shows
For details of tapes that you can use in the DA-
78HR, se e 1.5, “R e comme nded ta p e s”.
2Press REW to tak e the tape to the begi n ni ng
and sto p the tape .
3Press the FORMAT/Fs key. The display sho ws
4Press the FORMAT/Fs key agai n w ithin 5 s e c-
onds. The display will then show a flashing F,
followed by all dashes (F- -- -- --).
If you do no t press the FORMAT/Fs key twice
within 5 seconds the FORMAT message will dis-
appear. This is a feature designed to stop you
formatting a tape accidentally.
If you do press the
key twice and you
then change your mind about formatting the tape,
use eit her th e
key to cancel the
operat ion.
5Select the sampling frequency (either 44.1kHz
or 48kH z), usin g the FORMAT/Fs key.
The sam p ling fr e quency t hat you se l e ct
depends on the eventual use for the recording.
For audio work, selecting 44.1kHz will allow
you to produce CD master tapes with no fre-
quency conversion.
If a digital signal is received at the
or at the SPDIF (
) input, the DA-78HR’s
recording and playback sampling frequency is auto-
matically determined by the sampling frequency of
the input signal and you cannot change it.
6Select the recording mode using the HR MODE
key. When HR mode (24-bit recording) is
selected, the HR indicator to the left of the time
counter will light.
Remember that if HR mode is selected, the
tape must be replayed on an HR DTRS