5 - Basic operations
signals or to perform track-bounce operations with
the SPDIF (
) input selected.
Note that whatever digital source is selected, the
appropriate clock must be selected. If you are record-
ing from (say) a CD player, which typically cannot
accept a word clock, as well as from a TDIF-1 source
(e.g. a TASCAM digital mixer) the DA-78HR must
be set to accept the clock from the D IGITAL IN (see
5.2.2, “Selecting a clock source”). This clock must
then be sent from the THRU of the DA-78HR to the
IN of the TDIF-1 device, which must be set as a
word sync slave.
1Press the SHIFT key so tha t the SHIFT indicator
is flashing, and press the MENU key until the
displa y sho ws AUDIO. 1-- (AUDI O1 - - ).
2Press the
SUB MENU key until the displa y
D. IN (D IN) followed by the current
3Use the ▲ and ▼ keys to change between
You cannot use the SPDIF (
) output from the
sub-mixer while accepting a signal from the SPDIF
) input.
You must us e a tap e fo rmatt ed at t he sam pl i ng fr e-
quency of this input (i.e. you cannot use the SPDIF
) input to record a CD on a 48kHz tape.
Vari spee d is als o not possibl e wh en recording usi ng
this input.
5.3.2 Input patch bay routi ngTo route inputs to tracks whose numbers do not cor-
respond to those of the inputs, or to mix the types of
input source (digital, analog or off-tape):
1Follow steps 1 through 3 in 5.3, “Input sele c-
tion” ab ove,
2Press the
REC FUNCTIO N k ey of the t rack to
which the input will be routed.
3The display changes to show the track number
of the destination track, together with the
source (e.g. TRK 1 A1 (TRK1 A1) shows that
track 1 has been selected, and that analog
input 1 is the source.
4Use the ▲ and ▼ keys to change the input
source from A1 through A8 (analog 1 through
8), D1 through D8 (digital 1 through 8) and T1
through T8 (track 1 through 8).
5To select another destination track, press that
trac k’s REC FUNCTION key and repeat the
If your setting results in all tracks being fed on a one-
to-o ne bas i s from th e same input s ou rce (an alog or
digital), the display will chang e to show this, a few
seco nds af t er the pa tchbay operat ion th at caus ed
this to be the case.
The meters can be used to see th e
patchbay assignment using the
meters, as shown here. Each
meter gives the status of its corre-
spondingly-numbered track.
SHIFT and one of the REC
FUNCTION keys (as descr ibed in
4.1.1, “Peak meters”) to toggle
this m eter mode off and on . The
default at power-on is for this
mode t o be on.
Because of the limitations of the
number of meter segments avail-
able, each segment is used to rep-
resent two input p ossibilities. The top th ird is used to
show track sources, the middle third is used for digi-
tal, and the lower third for analog sources.
With a digital recorder such as the DA-78HR, track
crosstalk is alm ost negligible (better th an 90dB at
1 kHz) . For thi s re ason, yo u do not have to wor ry so
much a bout the c onstra ints of ch oosing physica l
track locations as you do with analog recordings.
5.3.3 Track bouncingIf you need to copy a track to another track at any
time in the recording process, remember that track
copy i ng in the di gital do main wil l add no no ise or
distortion. A digital copy is a “clone” of the original,
and n o l oss of qu ality is i nc urred .
The DA-78HR allows you to copy tracks digitally,
and you can use the internal sub-mixer (see 7.4,
“Sub-mixer”) to combine all tracks (level and pan
can be set) to tracks 7 and 8.
Because the DA- 78HR also allows a track t o be
replayed and recorded onto itse lf, all eight tracks can
be mixed internally and merged into tracks 7 and 8.
The basic method for going about this is:
1Exit shift mode and enter the MIXDOWN mode .
T 7/8
T 5/6
T 3/4
T 1/2
D 5/6
D 3/4
D 1/2
A 7/8
A 5/6
A 3/4
A 1/2