2 - Front and rear panel feat ur es
MREPEAT (MENU) key and indicator
This ke y i s us ed to provide a re pe at fu nc t ion betwe en
the two location points (see 7.2, “Repeat function”).
When the DA-78HR is shif t mode, it allows selection
of the top-leve l menus ( see 4.3, “ Menus an d sub-
NCHASE (SUB M E NU) key and
indicat or
This key is used to set the DA-78HR to a slave chase
mode, either to another DTRS unit, or to timecode
(see 8.2.3, “Master/slave settings (CHASE mode)”
and 9.6, “Chasing to timecode”).
When the DA-78HR is in shift mode, it allows selec-
tion of the second level of menus in the menu tree
(see 4. 3, “Men us and sub- menus ”).
OLOC 1 (MEMO 1) key
This key locates the tape to the position set by MEMO
1 (this key used with the SHIFT key). See 7.1,
“Autolocation” for details.
PLOC 2 (MEMO 2) key
This key locates the tape to the position set by MEMO
2 (this key used with the SHIFT key). See 7.1,
“Autolocation” for details.
indicat or
This ke y turns t he 8 x 2 sub -m ixer ou tput on an d off
from the rea r pan el outp uts . S ee 7.4 , “ Sub -mi x er” for
When the DA-78HR is in shift mode, this key is used
to set the level and the pan position of each track in
the sub-mixer image (7.4, “Sub-mixer”).
2.4 Track controls
RREC FUNC TION keys and indica tors
These eight switches and indicators allow the setting
and viewing of the record status on a track-by-track
When one of these switches is pressed, the appropri-
ate indicator will flash, the t rack is “armed”, and
going into record mode will start recording on that
track. When recording is being carried out on a track,
the track’s indicator will light steadily.
In addition, these keys are also used to select tracks
and channels for different operations, including the
input and outp ut patch bays, t he delay a n d sub-mi xer
funct ions. S e e 7.3, “Track delay” , 7.4, “S ub -mixer ”
and 5.3, “Input selection” for details of these
SPeak met ers
These 15-segment peak meters show the input level
or the recorded signal level, depending on the moni-
toring mode cu rrently in operation (6, “Monitoring”) .
When using digital recording equipment, there is no
headroom above the 0dB mark and no tape satura-
tion is possible. Any signal which causes the “OVER”
segment to ligh t wil l cause audible distort ion. For this
reason you should take care not to let recording lev-
els exceed this level.
The ballistics and peak hold times a re selectable (see
7.8, “Meter modes”).
They ma y also be used to p rovide a qu ick vis ual
guide to the statu s of some of the settin gs (sub-mixer,
patchbay, etc.). See 4.1.1, “Peak meters” for details.
2.5 Rear panel features
See 3, “Connections” for full details of how to con-
nect the DA-78HR to other units.
This connector is used to connect another “master”
DTRS unit (e.g. DA-78HR, DA-98, DA-88 or DA-
38). See 8, “Synchronization with other DTRS units”
for further details.
A TASCAM remote control unit may also be con-
nected here, but not all functions of the DA-78HR
may be available from the remote control unit.
These connectors carry MIDI Time Code (MTC) and
MMC (MIDI Machine Control) comman ds as well as
MIDI System Exclusive messages. See 10, “MIDI
control” for details of how these facilities are used
when synchronizing to other units.
This is used to connect another DTRS unit in the
“daisy-chain” or, if this DA-78HR is the last unit in
the chain, to attach a termination plug.
Use this to connect an optional RC-808 remote con-
trol unit. Note that no t all fea t ures of the DA-7 8HR
can be contro l led usi ng the RC-80 8.