Table of Contents
8.5.1 Recording while format ting. ..... ........51
8.6 Individual clock mode ...................... 51
8.7 Error messages. ................................51
9 - Operations related to timecode9.1 ABS and timecode ............................52
9.1.1 ABS time............. ..... .... ..... .................52
9.1.2 Tape timecode......... .................. ........52
9.1.3 Selecting TC or ABS timing.............52
9.2 Tape timecode mode ........................52
9.2.1 TAPE TC setting................................53
9.2.2 ABS setting........................... .............53
9.3 Selecting the frame mode... .............53
9.4 Timecode input and output..............53
9.4.1 Showing input timecode...................54
9.4.2 Timecode input timing......................54
9.4.3 Timecode outpu t...............................54
9.4.4 MTC output.................. .................. ....54
9.4.5 Fast linear timecode (LTC) output ... 55
9.4.6 Timecode output timing ...................55
9.5 Recording timecode ......................... 55
9.5.1 Selecting the timec ode sourc e........55
9.5.2 Reco rd i ng tim eco d e using the
9.5.3 Generator mode s............. .... ..... ........56
9.5.4 Synthe sizing timecode f rom ABS
9.5.5 External timecode sources..............57
9.5.6 Reco rd i ng tim eco d e fro m exte r nal
9.5.7 Checking external timecode............57
9.5.8 Checking the frame mode of striped
9.6 Chasing to timecode ........................ 58
9.6.1 Machine ID and timecode.................58
9.6.2 Timecode offset............................ ....58
9.6.3 Setting timecode offset ....................58
9.6.4 Cancelling timecode offset..............59
9.6.5 Setting timecode offset “on the fly”59
9.6.6 Park position........... .... ..... .... .............59
9.6.7 Automatic park position setting......59
9.6.8 Absolute and relat ive diffe renc e.. ....60
9.6.9 Rechasing timecod e........ .... ..... ........60
9.6.10 Bypassing timecode errors............60
9.6.11 Individual recording whi le chasing
10 - MIDI control10.1 MMC enable and disable... .............62
10.1.1 A ssigning a MIDI ID to the
10.1.2 MMC commands and the DA-78HR62
10.2 MMC Bit Map Array .........................63
10.3 MIDI Control Cha nge...................... 65
10.4 MIDI System Exclusive ...................65
10.4.1 Identit y Reply......... .... .................. ....65
10.4.2 TASCA M Exclusiv e message s.......65
10.4.3 Track dela y........ ..... .... .................. ....65
10.4.4 Cross fade.......... .................. .............65
10.4.5 Machi ne offset................. .................65
10.4.6 Track Copy Setup........... .... .............66
10.4.7 Track Copy Enable............. .............66
10.5 MIDI Implementation Ch art............ 67
11 - Maintenance, etc.11.1 Head and transport clea ning.. .......68
11.1.1 To clean the heads and transport..68
11.1.2 Checking error rates........................68
11.1.3 Checking drum time........................69
11.2 Backup memory initia lization........69
11.3 Checking vers ion numbers............69
11.3.1 Software upgrades..........................70
12 - Options, specificat io ns and ref erence12.1 Options for the DA-78HR......... .......71
12.1.1 RC-898 remote cont rol unit..... .... .... 71
12.1.2 RC-828 remote cont rol unit..... .... .... 71
12.1.3 RC-808 remote cont rol unit..... .... .... 71
12.1.4 IF-AE8 AES/EBU digital audio
12.1.5 IF-88SD SDIF-2 digital audio
12.1.6 IF-TAD ADAT di gital audio
12.1.7 TDIF-1EX extender box...................71
12.1.8 Cables....... .................. .................. ....71
12.2 Specifications.................................. 72
12.2.1 Tape record er sect ion........ ..... .... ....72
12.2.2 Analog input s and output s............. 72
12.2.3 Digital input s and output s..............72
12.2.4 Remote/sync connectors.. ..............72
12.2.5 Word sync termi nals.......... ..... ........72
12.2.6 Timecode c onnectors......................72
12.2.7 MIDI conne cto rs......... ..... .... .............72
12.2.8 Remote cont rol connectors ............72
12.2.9 Physic al specif ica tio ns........... ........73
12.2.10 Power spec ifica t ion s........ ..... .... ....73
12.2.11 Audio spec ifi ca tions..... .... ..... ........73