5 - Basic operations
If you do not want to change to source monitoring on
the punch track(s) between the punch points when
setting the points, do not set the
for these tracks.
At any ti me when t h e RHSL
indicator is lit or
flashing, this means that recording will not
actually be carried out, even if the RECORD
key and/or the REC FUNCTION ind icators are
7At the point where you want to punch out,
press PLAY.
The REC FUNCTIO N indicat or of an y arme d
tracks will start flashing again. The RECORD
key will go out. Monitoring of these tracks will
return to off-tape status.
8After the post-roll period, the tape will return
to the pre-roll point (the p unch-in point m inus
the pre-roll offset).
The RHS L indicator will now light steadily,
showing that the DA-78HR is in rehearsal
If you need to trim these punch points to sub-frame
accuracy, you can do so using the procedure
described in 5.6.3, “Setting punch points using the
fron t panel” belo w.
If you want to alter the pre-roll and post-roll times,
see 5.6.4, “Editing the pre-roll and post-roll times”.
The punch-in and punch-out poi nt s will remain the
same while yo u chan ge the p re- and p ost-r oll tim es.
5.6.3 Settin g punch poin ts using the front pane l
Setting the p unch-in point:
1Press the RHSL (rehearsal) key twice so that
the indicator lights flashes or lights steadily.
2Press the AUTO M ON key (the indicator will
3Press the SHIFT key to ente r shift m ode (SHIFT
indicator flashing).
4Press the LOC 1 (MEMO 1) key.
The display will briefly show IN POINT (In
Point) , and will then show the current value of
the punch-in point.
5Use the shifted and keys (LEFT and
RIGHT) to select the “field” (hours, minutes,
seconds, frames o r sub-frames) t hat you want
to edit, and use the and keys to ch ange th e
value of the punch-in time. See 4.3.5, ““ Left”
and “ri ght” key s” for de ta ils.
Setting the punch-out point:
1If you have n ot al ready performed ste ps 1 an d
2, as described for setting the punch-in point,
do them now.
2Press the SHIFT key to enter shift mode (SHIFT
indicator flashing ).
3Press the LOC 2 (MEMO 2) key.
4Use the shifted and keys (LEFT and
RIGHT) to select the “field” (hours, minutes,
seconds, frames o r sub-frames) t hat you want
to edit, and use the and keys to c hange the
value of the punch-out time. See 4.3.5, ““Left ”
and “ri ght” key s” for de ta ils.
The value of the punch-in point can be reset to
00:00:00. 00 (this includes in “invisible” su b-
frame value) by pressing the and keys toge ther.
After setting the punch times, press SHIFT so that the
indicator is no longer flashing.
You can locate the tape to the punch-in point (minus
the pre-roll time) by pressing LOC 1.
The methods described above can be used to “trim”
punch points which have been captured “on the fly”.
5.6.4 Edit ing the pre-roll a nd post-roll times
As a default (f actory) setting, the DA-78HR will
position the tape 5 seconds be fore the punch-in point,
however this has been set.
The default post-roll time is 3 seconds. You can alter
both these times using the following method:
1Make s ure the SHIFT indica tor is flashing (the
unit is i n shift mode).
2Press the CLEAR (PRE R OLL) key.
3When the display shows PR. 0005. rh
(PR0005 RH), the time of the punch pre-roll is
shown in min utes and seconds (when the dis -
play show s PR 0000 LC (PR 0000 LC), this
refers to the location pre-roll time, which is
4Use the and keys to ch ange the va l u es (t h e
shifte d and keys ac t as cursor keys
between minutes and seconds).