12 - Options, specifications and reference
12.1Options for the DA-78HR
You can purchase a num b er of op t i on s thr o ug h your
TASCAM dealer.

12.1.1RC-898 remot e control uni t

This full-function remote control unit can control up
to six DTRS units, in addition to VTRs and analog
audio devices .
With 99 location point memories, and an easily-visi-
ble di sp lay and dedic at e d keys, t his uni t represe nts
one of the most sophisticated options available for
controlling a DTRS system.

12.1.2RC-828 remot e control uni t

Up to four DTRS recorders can be controlled using
the RC-828 remote control, with jog/shuttle control,
transport and track arming controls, and twelve loca-
tion points.

12.1.3RC-808 remot e control uni t

For transport and track arming, etc. of a single DTRS

12.1.4 I F-AE8 AES/ EBU digital audio

converte r

Converts between TDIF-1 and AES/EBU (or SPDIF)
formats (up to eight channels). This unit can be used
effectively in digital video situations, etc.

12.1.5IF-88SD SDIF-2 digital audio

converte r

Converts eight channels of digital audio between the
TDIF-1 and SDIF-2 format. This unit is for use with
DASH format digital multitrack recorders, etc.
The following cables should be used with the unit:

12.1.6 IF-TAD ADAT dig ital audio


Converts eight channels of digital audio between the
TDIF-1 and ADAT formats, using a “lightpipe” for
connection to the ADAT interface-equipped unit.
This unit is suitable for dubbing operations.

12.1.7 TDIF-1 EX extend er box

The TDIF-1EX extends the maximum distance over
which TDIF-1 signals can be transmitted, to a maxi-
mum of 50 m (160 ft .).

12.1.8 Cable s

As mentioned, TASCAM cannot accept any respon-
sibility for damage caused by the use of the wrong
Always consult your TASCAM dealer to see if there
is a ready-made cable to meet your needs. The
TASCAM cables to be used with the DA-78HR (at
the time of writing this manual) are given in the table
Cable Pur pose
Cable Purpose
PW-88D 1 m ( 3 ft.) DA-78HR
DTRS dig it al dubbi ng
PW-88DL 5 m (15 ft.) DA-78HR
DTRS digita l dubb ing
PW-88S 1 m ( 3 ft.) DA-78HR
DTRS sync cable
PW-2D 2m (6 ft.) 8-chann el ana log ba lanc ed audi o I/O
cabl e (e .g. DA-78H R
PW-4D 4m (1 2 ft.) 8-chan nel ana log ba lanc ed audi o I/O
cabl e (e .g. DA-78H R
PW-10D 10m (30 ft.) 8-c hanne l analog balanced audio
I/O c able (e .g. DA -78HR