12 - Options, specifications and reference

12.2.1Tape recorder sectio n

12.2.2 Analog in puts and outputs

12.2.3Digital inputs and outputs

12.2.4Remote/sync connectors

12.2.5Word sync terminals

12.2.6Timecode connectors

12.2.7MIDI connectors

12.2.8Remote contro l co nnectors

Format DTRS/DTRS-HR format
Recording me t hod Rotary -head, he lic al-scan m ethod
Tape type Hi8 MP tape / Hi8 ME
Head co ns t ruction 2 x re c ord, 2 x play back
Tracki ng method ATF (Aut omatic Track Fi nding)
Erasure meth od Overw rit e
Drum s peed 2,00 0 r.p.m.
Tape speed 15.955 mm/sec.
Equivalent tape speed 4.2 m/s ec.
Maximum rec ording time 108 min. (using P6-120 ta pe)
Time to play from s to p Le s s th an 2 seconds
Fast forward/ rewind time 80 sec onds (u sing P6-120 tape)
Search s peed Maximum of 10 0 x play sp eed
Shut tle spee d Forwar d and r everse at 8.0 , 4.0 ,
2.0, 1.0, 0 .5 and 0.25 play sp eed
(1.0 speed ava ilabl e only in for ward
shuttle m ode)
Vari s peed ±6% (0.1% steps)
Positioning accuracy To 1 sample
Positioning lock time Within 8 seconds (when locating 2
DA-78HRs synced together)
Number of rec ordi ng trac ks 8
Sub-c ode AB S trac k, SMPTE /EBU ti mecode
Error corre ction Double-e ncode d Reed-S olomo n
Sampl ing fr equency 44.1 kHz, 4 8 kHz
resolution 16/24 bit s linear (DTRS/DTR S-HR)
Refer ence lev el –16 dB (ful l bit )
Cross-fade time 10ms to 200ms (10ms increments)
Trac k delay –200 to +7,2 00 samples (–4 to
+150 ms) in single-unit increments.
Can be set in samples or ms.
Offs et ±2 hou rs (t o sampl e accu racy)
Sync clock Interna l, W ORD or SPDIF
AD convertors 128 times ov ers amplin g,
24-bit ∆Σ (switchable dither )
DA convertors 128 times ov ers amplin g,
24-bit ∆Σ
Suppor ted t imeco de form ats 3 0 drop, 30 non- drop, 29.97 drop,
29.9 7 non-dr op, 25 and 24 fps
Analog inputs (b alanced) D-s ub 25-pin f emale
+4 d Bu
Impedan ce: 20 k
Analog inputs (u nbalance d) 8 x RCA
–10 dBV
Impedan ce: 10 k
Analog o utputs (b alanced) D-sub 25-pin fe m ale
+4 d Bu
Impedan ce: 10 k(loa ded)
Analog o utputs (u nbalance d) 8 x RCA
–10 dBV
Impedan ce: 25 0
Digi tal I/ O (unb alance d) D-sub 2 5-pin female
TDIF-1 format
(COAXI AL, unbalance d) RCA conn ec t ors
Remote in/sync in D-sub 15-pin female
Conforms to REMO TE IN/SYNC
IN pro tocol
Sync out D-sub 15-pin f emale
Conforms to REMO TE IN/SYNC
IN pro tocol
Word sync in/thru BNC connector, 75 at TTL
level (THRU auto-terminated)
Word sync out BNC co nnector, 75 at TTL
Timecode inpu t R C A c onnector
Input impedance: 10k
Inpu t le v el:
0.5 V p-p to 10.0V p-p
Timec ode out put RCA connec tor
Outpu t im ped ance 100
Output level: 2.0 V p-p
standa rds)
Remote in 8-pin DI N c onnector (for us e
with RC -808)
Remot e punch in/out 1/4” mono j ack ( fo r use with
opti onal RC-3 0P foo tswit ch)