7 - Advanced operations
2Use the and keys to change the value
(maximum +6.0%, minimum –6.0%, in 0.1%
Reset the value to 0.00% by pressing and hold-
ing either of the or keys, and pressing the
3Press the SHIFT key to turn off the setting
mode. The VARI SPEED indicator will continue
to be lit, showing that varispeed is currently
enab led .
4Turn off varispeed (when the VARI SPE ED
indicator is lit) by pressing the VARI SPEED
key to turn the indicator off.
indicator will lig ht whenever the
varispeed is enabled, even if the speed is set to
Playback and recording will now take place at the
new speed.
7.7 Shuttle operations
The shuttle key, indicator and knob are used to simu-
late the “rock and roll” location method on open-reel
tape decks, allowing you to locate a point on tape
through audible cues.
As the knob is moved from the center detented p osi-
tion, the shuttle speed becomes higher.
The variation in speed is not continuous; but as you
turn the knob from the center position, the shuttle
speed changes, following these values (relative to
norm al speed) : 0.25, 0.5, 1. 0, 2.0, 4 .0 , 8.0. Th e 1.0
speed is only available when shuttling in the forward
dire ction.
Shuttle operations are only possible when the SHUT-
indicator is lit (press the SHUTTLE switch).
If the SHUTTLE knob remains untouched at the center
position for 10 s econds, the shuttle m ode is disabled,
and the indicator goes off.

7.7.1 Shuttle monitoring

This is also covered in 6.3, “Shuttle monitor”. The
default behavior of the DA-78HR is that when shut-
tling the tape, you monitor off the recorded tape.
When monitoring in shuttle mode, the monitor signal
is attenuated by 12 dB (to avoid possible damage to
ears and sp ea kers ) .
When AUT O M O N is on, the monitoring of any
armed tracks will be off-tape, unless the SHTL MON
is on, in which case, the monitoring of armed tracks
will be source input. The monitoring of all other
(unarmed) tracks can still be switched on a track-by-
track basis using the tracks’ INPUT MONITOR
The SHTL MON key is only enabled when AUT O
MON is on. When AUTO MON is off, it has no e ffec t.

7.7.2 Sh uttle muting

As explained above, shuttling the tape will usually
allow o ff-ta pe moni tori ng. How ever, t here m ay be
times when you will want to mute all off-tape signals
when shuttling. This procedure is described in 6.4,
“Shuttle muting”.
7.8 Mete r mod es
The DA-78H R peak ba rgraph meter s can be c us t om-
ized to suit your working preferences. Both the peak
hold time and the “ballistics” of the meters can be

7.8. 1 Peak hold time

1Press the SHIFT key s o that the SHIFT indicator
is flashing, and press the MENU
key until the
display show s SYSTEM -- (SYSTEM--).
2Press the SUB MENU key until the display
shows PK. H. LD. ;; (PK HLD xx—pe ak ho l d)
with the current value for this setting.
3Use the and keys to change the value
between 0 and 9 seconds or CNT (CNT—con-
tinue—which will permanently display the
maximum peak signal level. This can be usef ul
if you are doing a “dry run” rehearsal, but you
cannot keep your eyes on the meters all the
time that the rehearsal is going on).
To turn off the peak hold display if CNT has
been set, change the peak hold value to 0 sec-
onds and the meter segments will “drop back”.

7.8. 2 M e t e r ball i stics

Use a similar process to change the “fall-back” bal-
listics of the peak meters. You cannot change the rise
time of the meters, which are fixed with peak meter
1Press the SHIFT key s o that the SHIFT indicator
is flashing, and press the MENU
key until the
display show s SYSTEM -- (SYSTEM--).