8 - Synchronization with other DTRS units
8.4 Digital dubbing
When you copy tapes between DTRS units in the
digital domain, there is no loss of quality. A “work-
tape” or copy is therefore indistinguishable from the
original. Additionally, the DA-78HR uses low-cost
media ( Hi8 vid e o casset t es), wh i ch make s i t easy to
back up important projects.
When you copy tracks from DA-88 units, the word
len gth sho uld b e set to 16 bits (5.4 .2, “S e lec ting input
word lengt h ”).
You may want to exploit these features of the DTRS
system to make archive copies, and “safety copies”
of important material (see 1.5, “Recommended
tapes” f or our sugges t ions on tape use).
1With the power to all units turned OFF, make
the synchronization connec tions a s described
in 8.1, “Synchronization connections”.
Remember to terminate the slave unit.
2Connect the DIGITAL I/O of the master unit
(source) to the DIGITAL I/O of the slave (ta rget).
Use only the approved cables (PW-88D or PW-
88DL) to connect the DTRS units. Use of any
other cables can cause dama ge to the units an d
will invalidate th e warranties.
3Turn on both units. Make sure the machines’
IDs are correctly set (8.2.2, “Setting machine
4Insert the master tape into the source master
and a blank tape, formatted with the same
sampling frequency and with the same record-
ing resolution as the master tape, into the tar-
get sl ave.
5Select “all digital” as the input source on the
target slave (5.3, “Input selection”).
6Put the target slave machine into CHASE mode
(8.2, “Ma chine ID and ma s t er/slave settin gs”).
7Locate the master tape to a point before the
material you want to duplicate.
The target slave will also locate since it is in
chase mode.
8Arm all tracks (REC FUNCTIO N) on the target
slave machine.
9Make sure that all REC FUNCTION switches on
the source master are turned OFF.
If any
switches on the source mas-
ter ar e turn ed on, y o u will erase yo ur mast er tape !
You may want to use the tape’s write-protect tab
(5.2.3, “Write-protecting cassettes”).
10On the master machine, hold down RECORD
and press PLAY
No recording will take place on the source mas-
ter, but the tracks will be recorded digitally on
a one-to-one basis to the target slave.
There is no need to carry out any special pre-
dubbing procedure such as timing the digital
output – the digital and analog outputs are sep-
You can use the input patchbay on the target
slave machine (5.3.2, “Input patchbay rout-
ing”) to transfer tracks from the source master
tape to diff e rent tr acks on the targe t slave.
Note that you cannot combine tracks by this
8.5 Synchronized formatting
When several units are connected together, you can
form a t several t apes si multane ously, usi ng one
machine as the master. This can be a very convenient
way of savi n g time and eff ort.
1Make sure that all machines are connected
together using the SYNC connections, as
described above, and that the last unit in the
chain is terminated.
2Load a blank unformatted tape into each
DTRS unit.
Make sure all tapes are the same length.
PW-88D or PW -88DL
(dig it al I/O cabl e)
(sync ca ble)
Term in a tor