8 - Synchronization with other DTRS units
This section de scribes the techniques and m ethods to
be followed when the DA-78HR is linked to other
DTRS units (e.g. TASCAM DA-98, DA-38, DA-88
and of course other DA-78HR units).
Up to 16 DT RS units can be lin ked, for a total of 128
digital tracks.
If you a re conne ctin g DTRS un its of di ffere nt type s
to the DA-78HR, use the DA-78HR or a DA-98 as
the master unit and the other units as slave units.
8.1 Synchronization connections
The cable to be used when connecting the DA-78HR
to oth er DTRS un its f or synchr oniz a tion pur poses
should be a PW-88S cable. This is 1 meter ( 3 ft.)
long. If you require a longer cable, please consult
your TASCAM dealer.
Be sure to use only the optional PW-88S sync cables. The
use of any other c ables could damage the DA-78HR.
Be sure to connect the termination plug to the last slave’s
connector, or else incorrect functions may
Turn on all the DTRS units in your system, regardless of
whether you actually use all of them. A unit or units turned
off will make synchronization impossible.
To synchronize multiple DTRS units, use a pre-for matted
tape in the master unit, and also in the s lave units. Since
the DTRS system uses ABS time to achieve synchroniza-
tion, it is impossible to synchronize using tapes without
ABS time recorded on them.
To synchronize multip le DTRS units, all t he ta pe s in
eac h un it mu st be fo r matt ed at t he sam e sampl ing
rate, or synchronization is impossible.
The synchronization connections form a “daisy-
chain”, with the master unit at the head of the chain,
and the last slave at the tail.
Connections are made from the SYNC OUT of on e
unit to the REMOTE IN/SYNC IN of the next. Thi s
connection also carries the word clock between the
DTRS units. Slave units will automatically take their
clock through this, as shown by the front panel
indicators, neither of which will be lit.
There are exceptional circumstances when indepen-
dent clocks may be necessary. See 8.6, “Individual
clock mode” for details.
Always make and break all connections with the
power to all units in the chain turned OFF.
8.2 Mach ine ID an d ma ster /sl ave settings
Each DTRS unit in the chain must be assigned a
machine ID. The unit at the head of the chain (the
mast er ) sh ou l d have ID num ber 1.
Though not strictly necessary, we suggest that IDs
are assigned in a consecutive sequential order from
the head of the chain.

8.2.1 D ifferences between DTRS models

The DA-78HR, DA-98 and DA-38 use machine IDs
that are set by software (the machine must be turned
on for the ID to be set). The values for the IDs of
these models start at “1” and go up to “16”.
The switch on the back of the DA-88 is only opera-
tive when the unit is turned off. It is marked from “0
through “F”.
When including DA-88s and DA-78HRs in the same
chain, add 1 to the number shown on the DA-88’s
rear panel machine ID switch to make the DA-88’s
machine ID match the series of the DA-78HR (and
DA-98 and DA-38) IDs. Any DA-88 whose Machine
ID is not 1 (the switch has been set to a value other
than 0) will show its Slave ID briefly at power-on.
Therefore, for a chain of three units; a DA-78HR as
master, with a DA-98 and DA-88 as slaves, the
machines’ IDs should be set as follows:
It therefore makes sense to set the machine IDs of all
DA-88s in the chain first, immediately after connec-
tions have been made with the power off, and then
turn on power to all units before setting the machine
IDs of all DA-78HRs, DA-98s and DA-38s in the
When you set the machine IDs, you can set the ID of
any mach ine f irst, but we r ec omm end doi n g thi s in a
ID as shown
“Real” ID
How the ID is
Powe r on or off
when ID is set
DA-78HR 1 1 Tape coun ter
menu system ON
DA-98 2 2 Menu system ON
DA-88 2 3 Rotary switch on
rear pa nel OFF