3 - Connections
This section explains how to connect other equip-
ment to the DA-78HR. It is not intended as a com-
plete reference to the use of the DA-78HR. See the
appropriate sections for full details of how these con-
nectors are used.
When making connections between the DA-78HR and
other equipment, whether audio or control, both the DA-
78HR and the other equipm ent must be turned
, other-
wise damage may be caused to the DA-78HR and/or the
other equipment.
Only use TASCAM-supplied and TASCAM-approved
cables when making connections to the DA-78HR. Though
the cables and connectors may resemble computer cables,
they serve different purposes, and meet a different set of
specifications. The use of c ables other than TASCAM
cables will at best cause the equipment to work erratically,
and at worst cause dam age to the equipment.
If the use of cables other than TASCAM cables
causes or results in damage, the warranty is voided.
3.1 Audio connections
Other audio equipment can be connected to the DA-
78HR either using analog or digital interfaces.
Selection for the input source (analog or digital) on a
global or individual track basis is made from the
menu s . See 5.3 , “Input sele ctio n” for det ails.

3.1.1 Balance d an alog audio


All balanced analog input and output audio connec-
tions to the DA-78HR are made through 25-pin D-
sub connectors.
All these audio inputs and outputs are balanced and
are rated at a nominal +4dBu level.
This allows convenient and tidy cabling between the
DA-78HR and other units such as the TASCAM M-
1600 series of mixing consoles.
It is no t reco mm ende d t hat you m ake up you r own
cables—consult your TASCAM dealer for availabil-
ity of suitable ready-made cables (and see 12.1.8,
“Cables”). However, we recognize that every situa-
tion has its own unique features, and there are occa-
sions when a special cable must be made.
Before starting to make the cable, we suggest you
contact your TASCAM deal er for full details of cable
specifications, etc.
The pino ut s for both the ANALOG OUTPUT and
INPU T connectors are as follows:
where G=ground, H=”h ot” (+ ) and C=”cold” (–).
The impedance of the inputs is 20k and that of the
outputs is 10.

3.1. 2 Unb al ance d an alog au dio


In addition to the bala nced analog set of connectio ns,
there are eight RCA jacks for input signals and eight
for output. These are, of course, unbalanced, and the
nominal signal level is –10 dBV.
Only co nnect and us e o ne set of anal og inp uts at a
time. There is no facilit y to switch between the two
sets of analog inpu t connec tors .

3.1.3 Digital audio con nections

Multitrack digital audio input and output signals are
carried on a single 25-pin D-sub connector. The sig-
nals are in TDIF-1 format.
To carry signals between a DA-78HR and another
unit equipped with TDIF-1 interfaces, such as the
TASCAM ser ies of di g ital mi xing co nsoles or other
DTRS recorders, use a PW-88D cable (1 meter long)
or a PW-88DL cable (5 meters long).
If you need to connect the DA-78HR to a digital
audio source using a differ ent form at, we reco mmend
the use of the following units:
TASCA M IF -88AE Interf ace Unit— convert s
between the TDIF-1 an d AES/EBU f or mats
(8 channe l s). It also pr ovides SPD IF forma t
conversion facilities.
TASCAM IF-AE8— also pr ovides sophis ti-
cated conve rs ion facilities b etween the TDIF-
1 and AES/E BU data forma ts.
TASCAM IF-88 SD Int erface Un i t—converts
between the TDIF-1 and SD IF-2 digit a l audio
format s.
The TASC AM IF-TAD—conve rts betwe en
the TDIF-1 a nd ADAT data forma t s, using a
digital optical input/output for the ADAT data.