10 - MIDI control
10.3MIDI Control Change
It is also possible to send use MIDI Control Change
messages to control the sub-mixer parameters, as
descri bed her e :
MIDI channels 1 through 8 control channels 1
through 8 on the master DA-78HR in a DTRS chain.
MIDI channels 9 through 16 can be used to control
channels 1 through 8 on the first slave DA-78HR in a
10.4MIDI System Exclusive
The following are the System Exclusive formats used
by the DA-78HR:

10.4.1Identity Reply

Reply to an Identity Request:

10.4.2TASCAM Ex clusive me ssages

These TASCAM Exclusive messages are developed
for controlling DTRS recorders connected to each
other via the SYNC IN connections.
The messages follow the following format:

10.4.3Track de lay

Track delay can be set from –200 through +7200
<cc> = 04
<data> is 5 bytes: <tk><da><db><dc><dd >
<tk> = 0s000ttt where s= sign bit (1 if negative) and
is the track number.
<da>, <db>, <dc> and <dd> represent the units, tens,
hundr eds and t h ousand s digit s r espect i vely of th e
dela y va lue.


Can be set from 0 to 90m s in this way
<cc> = 05
1 data byte, taking a value from 0 through 9 (0
throug h 90ms)

10.4.5Machine offset

Used to set the machine offset of a slave machine
chasing to a master via a SYNC IN connection (the
master’s chase cannot be set, of course).
The limits of this parameter are ±02:00:00.00. If a
value over or below these limits are entered, th e limit
value will be set.
<cc> = 06
<data> is four bytes: <hh> <mm> <ss> <ff>
<hh> = 0sssuuu u, where sss=00 0 means a plus value,
and sss=01 is a minus value. uuuu is the hours
Parameter MIDI C ontrol Hex value
Chan nel fader Volume (7) 0x07
Chan nel pan Pan (10) 0x0a
Mast er fade r Control ( 9) 0x09
Chan nel mutea
a. Values of 0 through 63 turn mute on, values of
64 through 128 turn it on.
Control (11) 0x0b
F0 SysEx header
7E Univer s al SysEx non- realt i me heade r
> Obtai ned by su btra cting 1 from the Ma chine I D
<06> sub-ID #1 — general inform ation
<02> sub-ID #2 — device identity reply
01 Category = recorder
04 type = digital cassette
04 inte rface = di r ect
0C machine = DA-78HR
<VH> Softwar e vers ion of unit . Number s above deci -
mal po int, expr es s ed in binary
<VL> Sof tware ve rsion of unit. Number s below decima l
point express ed in binar y
00 Curr ently unassi gned
00 Curr ently unassi gned
F7 End of SysEx
F0 SysEx header
chan nel
> O bt ained b y su bt racting 1 f rom the M ac hine ID
11 Op erat ion cod e (DTR S SYNC IN )
> Machine ID set on each DTRS recorder
> Comm and code
> D ata — f ormat varies accor ding t o command
> checksum — lower 7 bits of t he sum of all num-
bers from (a nd inc ludi ng) <cc> up t o <cs>
F7 En d of SysEx