7 - Advanced operations
7.1 Autolocation
The DA-78HR contains two location memories,
accessible through the LOC 1 and LOC 2 keys. The s e
also al l ow a “AB repeat ” facility, which allows
you to rehearse part of a mixdown, for instance.
These two location memory points are referred to as
“MEMO 1” and “MEMO 2”.
As with the punch recording points (5.6, “Punch-in
and punch-out”) , it is pos sible to set and edit these
points in a number of ways.

7.1.1 Setting MEMO 1 and MEMO 2 “on

the fly”

This ca n be done re gardl e ss of the c urrent s t a tus of
the tape transpo rt (p layi ng, r e c ord ing, win d i n g,
stopped, or shuttle).
1Press and hold down the SHIFT key and press
the MEMO 1 or MEMO 2 key.
The current tape position (when the MEMO key
was pressed) will be stored to the appropriate
location memory (MEMO 1 or MEMO 2).
The display will indicate that the location
memory point has been stored (PRESET

7.1.2 Checking, editing and manually

entering MEMO 1 and MEMO 2

The checking, editing, and manual entry of the
Memo 1 and Memo 2 location points are all essen-
tially the same operation. Location points can be
edited and entered to frame accuracy.
1Press the SHIFT key so tha t th e SHIFT indicator
2Press either the MEMO 1 or ME MO 2 key,
depending on which location point is to be
3The display briefly shows MEMO ; (MEMO x),
and then the currently-stored loca tion memory
is show n on the disp lay. The “c u rsor” (f lashin g
period ) i s at th e “h ou rs ” fi e ld .
4Use the and keys to set the “hour s” value,
and move the “cursor” with the SHIFTed
and keys.
For details regarding the entry of time values,
including sub-fra me entry, see 4.3, “Menus and
5When the location times have been set, press
the SHIFT key to turn t he SHIFT mode off and
return the counter to its normal display.

7.1.3 Setting the location p re- roll tim e

When you locate to a location memory, the tape will
stop at the memorized location point, minus a pre-
defined pre-roll time.
As shipped, the DA-78HR’s default location pre-roll
time is 0 seconds. You can edit this to a value
between 0 seconds (the tape will locate to the exact
location point) and 59 minutes, 59 seconds, in 1 sec-
ond increments.
This pre-roll time is independent of the punch pre-roll
time. See 5.6.4, “Editing the pre-roll and post-roll
1Set the unit into shift mode (press the SHIFT
key so that the SHIFT indicator is flashing ).
2Press the CLEAR (PREROLL) key .
3The display will show PR 00 00. LC (PR 00 00
4Use the and key s to s e t the l ocati o n pre-
roll time in minutes and seconds (up to 59 min-
utes, 59 seconds). The SHIFTed and keys
can also be used to move the cursor between
the minutes and seconds “fields”.
When a location memory is used, the tape will
now locate to the location point, minus the
value you have just enter ed. Fo r instance, if the
locat i on po in t i s at “00:12:0 4. 0 3” an d you h av e
set a location pre-roll time of 5 seconds, the
tape wi ll locat e to “00: 11 :59.03 ”.
This pre-roll time is different to the pre-roll time used
for punch operations as described in 5.6.4, “Editing
the pre-roll and post-roll times”.

7.1.4 Moving to MEMO 1 and MEMO 2

When you have set the location memories as
described above, you simply nee d to pre s s th e LOC 1
LOC 2 keys to move the tape to these location
The tape will locate to the location memory minus
the l oc ation pr e-rol l time, as descri bed above .

7.1.5 Locati on and playback

If yo u pr ess th e
PLAY key while the tape is locating
PLAY key will flash), the tape will start playing
when it reaches the location point.