7 - Advanced operations
7Press and hold the SHIFT key for more than
three seconds to exit the delay setting mode.
The meters can also be used to
give a visu al indic ation o f the
track delay.
Press SHI FT and one of the
REC FUNCTIO N keys (as
descri be d in 4.1. 1, “Pea k
meters”) to toggle this meter
mode off a nd on. The defaul t
at power-on is for this mod e to
be on.
The track delay, expressed in
seconds, is between –4 to +150 milliseconds. At a
typi cal so und p ropagati on r ate, t he ma ximum value
corres po nds to about 50 met e r s (a bo ut 16 0 fe et ) of
7.4 Sub-mixerOne important feature of the DA-78HR is the ability
to mix in pu t sou rc es and of f-tape si gnals into a ste reo
signal which is routed to tracks 7 and 8 and can be
output at the rear panel SPDIF (COAXIAL) outpu t (as
well a s t hroug h c hannel s 7 and 8 o f t h e
TDIF-1 digi-
tal and analog outputs). As well as the track delay
available on the DA-78HR for the tape tracks, this
internal mixer also features level and pan cont rols, so
that a simple mix can be obtained.
This mi xed signa l is output only when the
indicator is lit. Pressing the (unshifted) MIXDOWN
key will toggle the indicator between on and off.
A temporary “patch” can also be set up for this sub-
mix, overriding the cu rrent input patch settings wh ile
the mixdown mode is active.
is on, the signals from channels 1
through 6 (analog and digital) are not output.
7.4.1 Enterin g mixdown m ode
1Make sure the SHIFT indicator is off.
2Press the MIXDOWN key. The MIXDOWN indi-
cator will light.
Pressing the MIXDOWN key again (with shift mode
off) will exit mixdown mode.
7.4.2 Setting the master level
This is the master level of all signals output through
channels 7 and 8.
1With mixdown mode enabled, press the SHIFT
key so that the indicator is flashing.
2Press the MIXDOWN ( LEVEL/PAN) key. This
enters the level/pan setting mode.
3If the display do es not show MST. L ; ;; (MST
L xxx — master level), continue to press the
LEVEL/PAN key until this is shown.
Repeated presses of the LEVEL/PAN key o r the
currently-selected channel (as explained
below) will cycle through the following:
master level →
→ →
→ channel level →
→ →
→ channel pan →
channel input selection
4Use the data knob and/or the ▲ and ▼ keys to
change the level between 0 (–∞
∞ ∞
∞ dB)
and 127
(0 dB).
The 7 and 8 meters may be used to show the
level (toggle with SHIFT+REC FUNCTION). The
0dB segment represents a value of 127, and
the –12 dB segment represents a value of 64.
7.4.3 Leaving edit/p an setting mode
When the unit is in edit/pan setting m ode as above, it
can be returned to normal operations (as shown by a
change in the display) by either of the following
method s:
Entering another shift mode f unction (e.g.
Pressing the SHIFT key so that the SHIFT indi-
cator stop s flas h ing (e xitin g shi f t mod e ).
Remember that turning off the edit/pan setting mode
will not automatica lly turn off th e mixd own mode. To
turn off the mixdown mode, you must turn off the shift
mode and then press the
7.4.4 Setting levels and pan positions
To set the individual channel levels and pan
1Make sure that the unit is in level/pan setting
mode, as described above (7.4.2, “Setting the
master level”).
2Press the REC FUNCTION key who se numbe r
corresponds to the channel you want to set.
The REC FU NCTIO N ind icator at the bottom of
the meter will start to fla sh, showing that this is
the active channel being edited.
positive values
0 (zero)
negative values